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25 Jahre Mauerfall - Berlin (DE) 2014


@Ralph Larmann

On the 9th of November, it was 25 years ago that the Berlin Wall came down. Berlin was celebrating this moment with everything they had. The highlight of this historic event was the public celebration „Mut zur Freiheit“ in front of the Brandenburger Tor.

The production company Mediapool was charged with the organization of the event, like many other events in Berlin.

Their idea was to build a huge structure in front of the Brandenburger Tor with six large video screens hanging underneath. But this way the beautiful gate wouldn’t be visible anymore.

Here is where we came in with the idea to design a heavy duty floor track.

The six, 11 meter high video screens of each 9,6T had to move along a track built into the floor. This way the gate was part of the show when the screen opened to the sides.

This newly developed floor track will be available for rent in our rental section.

@Ralph Larmann
@Ralph Larmann
@Ralph Larmann
@Ralph Larmann